Conquering chronic pain is a complex task
Chronic pain is a disease in itself. It is not taught in most medical schools and many physicians do not understand what it is. Chronic pain affects mood, sleep, energy, and concentration. A person with chronic pain is an easy target for scams and false promises of cure. They spend years and money chasing unrealistic goals, just to find out they lost their precious years suffering. Usually, people with chronic pain are hopeless, frustrated and tired.
Chronic pain includes conditions like back pain, headaches, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis and many more.
You need a guide to navigate the complexities of chronic pain and conquer your pain. Dr. Andrea Furlan won many mentorship awards, she has 30 years experience and she loves to share her knowledge and expertise.
You will feel alive and dream about your future, not dread your future. Conquering pain is possible, even if you had pain for many years.
Listen to Dr. Andrea Furlan explaining her goals for this website www.DoctorAndreaFurlan.com

You need a guide with experience, expertise and empathy.
Here, you will find:
Written materials and handouts created by Dr. Furlan for you to download at no cost to you.
A library of Dr. Andrea Furlan’s YouTube videos, organized by themes and body parts.
Online courses for healthcare professionals to learn how to help people with chronic pain.

Start your journey to conquer chronic pain today
Gain access to a video library organized by topics. Download all of Dr. Furlan's handouts, worksheets, summaries and booklets. It is FREE. And we will not spam your email.